How to Hold On To Your Womanhood

After God created man, He saw that something was missing, there was no way a man will and can live alone without the help of a woman. So God took a rib and made a woman. He did not create a woman but made her. Meaning women are wonderfully and fearfully made by God.

Despite all the troubles that come with womanhood, lots of things can never come alive without the help of a woman.

Without a woman, there is no continuation of the human race. Women are the ones ordained by God, to multiply humanity in the universe. The devil saw this and came with his subtle character to deceive women, by giving her apple to eat.

Women can be easily manipulated by words. The devil tried it and succeeded. But that doesn’t give any right to any man to maltreat a woman.

When God asked Adam in Genesis, what have you done? Why did you disobey me by eating the fruit of good and knowledge?. He immediately accused Eva of giving him the forbidden fruit. It’s still in existence today. When issues arise in marriage it’s usually the fault of the woman.

To Hold On To your Womanhood, Means There Are Things That Need To Be In Place.

1. Never allow yourself to be manipulated

Never allow yourself to be manipulated by any man. Stand your ground and go for that which God has made you be.

2. Believe in yourself and your dream

Believe in yourself and your dream. Irrespective of how society has design women to be. Believing in your dream will bring out the best in you.

3. Never underestimate your worth

Never underestimate your worth. Most women think of themselves very low. Underestimating yourself will make you settle for less.

4. Learn to take good care of yourself

Learn to take good care of yourself. Maintain yourself and never allow anyone to choose for you what you desire.

5. Be productive

Be productive. if you want to maintain your womanhood be productive. Yes, a man is met to provide for his family, but not every man will have liability as a wife. Contribute by taking good care of your home and family. Women are not forbidden to work, choose a job that will enable you to still function as a help met for your husband, and a role model to your children.


Have the fear of God. Without God, we cannot function well in our lives and homes. The devil started attacking women right from the beginning. So you need the word of God to be able to beat the devil by his subtleness.

It is time for women reading this piece of article to stand up for themselves, enough is enough. Yes, be submissive, and respectful in your marriage and as a woman in general. But not to sell yourself out all In the name of love.

God created you as a woman to be a helpmeet to your husband and not a slave. As a woman, if you are not educated due to a lack of financial problems. Go learn a trade or any handiwork. Gone are the days when women are not allowed to work.

Claim back your womanhood today and help the world to be a better place, by sharing your ideas with others.

Please share your contribution below. Feel free to share this post with your friends and loved ones.

Remember, l am your sister in Christ.

Love you all.

Remain blessed .


1 Comment

  1. Jennifer Osaghae

    Well said!I wish you more grace and wisdom ma


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