How To Change Yourself

To change our character is difficult and scary. It takes patience and determination to work on yourself. All you need is to change the way you act and react.

Until you change, the way you think and react to situations, you might struggle to concentrate on your business. Until you change the way you think, meaning change your mind-set, things might be difficult to come by.

Anyone that wants to succeed, need a change in their daily routine.

1. Work On Your Mind-set

Changing your mindset is never a day thing. It will require a lot of determination and patient. Feed your mind every day with positive thoughts. Whatever you feed your heart with, is what will determine your actions and success.

So to be successful in life, you will need materials and information on how to build a new heart. The Bible made us understand that we should not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will.

2. Do All It Takes To Come Out Of Your Comfort Zone

To be too comfortable in a place can turn out to be disastrous. If you want to be successful there is a need to get out of that comfort zone. When you dare to take a risk, you will see a result. People that are determined to succeed will never mind how hard the journey may look like, rather they move out of their comfort zone to get what they want.

3. Surround Yourself With Positive People

If you want to change yourself to a better person, you will need positive people around you. Hanging around negative people will ruin your life and your business. Anyone that is not in support of your dream or vision should not be around you. The more you stay in a circle of dream killers the more your ideas are been swept away. Those that surround themselves with positive people will always succeed in life.

4. Never compare Yourself With Others

We all are unique in our way. Comparing ourselves to other people will get you stuck and disappointed. A lot of people have missed their way in the process of trying to be like someone else.

Just learn to be yourself and work on your capability. Your idea, vision, and purpose. What God has given to you is for you to develop it and bless others with it. God knows that you will be the very one to use that talent well and He gave it to you. So until you stop comparing yourself to others, you might not make any headway in life.

5. Set Goals Both On Long And Short Term

Set goals on what you want and how you want to achieve it. If You want to be successful, and it requires you to be patient then all you need to do is set a goal on how and when you want to achieve that. It is never easy to change or build a new character. But it will be possible if you set goals in the short and long term. Give yourself a challenge for a week or a month depending on the area you want a change


To change from our old character to a new one is one whole puzzle. But when you begin to find the missing puzzle, you will start enjoying your life and those around you will benefit from it. So be willing to work on yourself so that you will become a better person.

What area of your life do you really need to work on as in regard to change?.

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Remember I am your sister in Christ.

Love you all.

Remain blessed.



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