How Christians Have been Misled By False Prophets And Their Doctrine!

Most believers are misled by false preachers who are teaching their followers the wrong doctrine contrary to the true gospel of Jesus Christ. They instigate fears into the minds of their followers by telling them that the only way to destroy their enemies is by sacrifices, the seed of faith, the seed of divine intervention, etc. These are people told that some enemies are behind their misfortune in life.

In Africa today many, people have come to believe the lies of these false preachers and becoming so comfortable in their false doctrine. These false preachers always use the law of Moses in the old testament, keeping their followers in bondage.

Their followers are manipulated into believing that the more their sacrifices which, are in cash and material things the, quicker their breakthrough. Lots of people have lost their houses, cars, gold, and other valuable things, to these false teachers who get richer while their followers are getting poorer.

In the book of Matthew 7:15, God warned us against these false preachers who pretend to be holy but inwardly, they are deceivers and manipulators. These false preachers don’t encourage their followers on how to live a faithful life, how to study their Bible, or even have communion with God.

People now believe that the more they go to church services, the quicker their breakthrough. In African, such followers will lock up their shops and business to attend all weekly services. It is a well-calculated plan of these false preachers, who always make the people give out offerings, tithes sacrifices.

Here is the damage this false doctrine does to their followers those of them that lock up their shops will begin to lose potentials consumers who will look elsewhere to buy their goods. Those that are into the selling of food items will experience rottenness of their products and, they are wondering while their business is not progressing.

People that are followers of these false preachers and their doctrine end up not having faith in God but their men and women of God. They become scared and suspicious of everything around them. This leads to mental cases and depression because such followers are taking away from social lives and positioned into a dark world of loneliness.

Conclusion in the book of ”Hebrews 10:4 For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins”. Learn to put your faith in God alone. God sent his only son Jesus Christ to die for our sins that we can begin to enjoy the liberty in Christ when we make God our friend.

Please leave your comments below on how this post has helped you. Do feel free to share this post with your friends and loved ones.

Remember I am your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.


1 Comment

  1. Jennifer Osaghae

    Fantastic!! this is the pure truth, those who have ears let them hear,thanks and God bless you ma🙏


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