How Authentic Are You?

To be authentic means to be true with yourself, genuine and original. Staying in your own uniqueness without people imposing their perceptions on you is what makes you authentic.
Did you know that we all are born with talents? That gift is a total package from God and, it’s for you to develop and bless others with it.

Moses was a stammerer and, that was his uniqueness. God choose him and did a lot with him. What you have, is for the glory of God. Stop beating yourself up because you want to be like others.
Trying to compare yourself to others is a total waste and will lead you nowhere. How long will you keep on imitating others?

If there is anything you need to know, get information on it. Stay away from trying to be like others because every other person has been chosen. Take time to discover yourself and, your life will never remain the same.

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Remember, I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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