Free Yourself From Unlimited Belief!

It’s great to have some quiet moments, just you and the mirror. Learn to stand in front of a reflecting mirror and meditate. Taking the time to reflect on who you are born to be, how you want to achieve that purpose.

But don’t be surprised to find out so many times you might have talked yourself out of your purpose just because of what people say or do to you. Most of the time, we underestimate the power of God to turn things around when they are not going well.

There was a season in my life where I continually talked myself down. I go around with low self-esteem just because of circumstances in my life during that season.

One day I asked God to please teach me how to love myself beyond people’s perceptions and their judgments. Surprisingly, I was shown the circle I kept and was asked to detach myself from it. I reframed into the presence of God and allowed Him to strengthen me.

I asked God to guide my thoughts and protect my mind. Today I live a happy life and enjoy every day of my life.

You can do the same. Allow God to take over your life and allow Him to direct your steps and, your life will never be the same again.

Please feel free to share this post with your friends and loved ones.

Remember, I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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