Don’t Ever Settle For Less!

How you speak, dress, and carry yourself will determine how others treat you. Sometimes the best gift you will ever receive in a lifetime is the love you give to yourself and the best compliment you will ever receive is the one you give to yourself. 

We sometimes want our friends and family to support and love what we do, but if they decline, don’t allow it to disorganize you or push you to settle for less.

That is why it’s good to step out alone and make a new way of loving yourself and what you stand for. Even when you hit a rocky point, pick up yourself and start a new path. Learn to step out alone. Make a new way when you hit a rocky point. Start a new path, and others will follow. 

 Cast not away, therefore, your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward! Hebrews 10:35

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Remember, I”m your sister in Christ 

Love You

Remain blessed



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