Change Your Habit And Success Is Guaranteed!

Every one of us has a habit that can either make us or break us. A habit is formed when a character is repeated, habit is the directing of our five senses hearing, smelling, tasting, and feeling towards a given direction that gives birth to habit.

When a thought is treated with determination negatively it will lead to failure, but when treated positively it will surely give birth to a positive habit. If you are determined to create a positive habit, you will have to demand more of yourself, you are the one to do it, nobody else can do that for you.

Never doubt yourself self when you are determined to succeed, because it will be like someone going to the river to fetch water with a basket, no matter the situation, learn to guide and cherish your purpose because it is how you form a habit that will take you to that place of succeeding.

When a habit is created, it takes over your body and begins to direct you so stay confident and dare to dream big, hold it to yourself to create a positive habit, and hold on to your faith God will take you to that place of your dream.

From the habit of reading and studying your Bible so that you will not be taken advantage of by those false prophets and preachers out there.


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Remember l am your sister in Christ.

Love you .

Remain blessed.



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