Be Mindful Of Your Words!

Your words can either encourage, motivate, bless or break you. What you say to yourself can become your reality. So it’s good to watch what you affirm and prophesy to yourself.

Words can change us and take our lives in a different direction, so it’s good to have spirit-filled words come out of our mouths. Words that can encourage and motivate us to live in faith.

The book of Proverbs 18:21 says life and death are in the power of the tongue and, we will eat the fruit of what we say. Our tongue maybe a tiny part of our body, but its power is undeniable. 

The book of Proverbs is a book of wisdom from God. It’s for us to use and direct and guide our lives. 

Can I encourage you to be the pilot of your mouth? There is a need to watch what comes out of your mouth. Learn to fuel your mouth with sprit-filled words. Words of faith and hope. Because when you feed your mouth with negativity, it will bring defeat even before you ever try. 

Psalm 141:3 says Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips.  David was praying and begging God to keep his mouth from speaking evil. 

The woman with the issue of blood desired one thing from the Lord, and that was her healing. She never allowed the crowd to scare her. She proposed in her heart saying, if I can touch the hem of Jesus’s garment, I believe I will be healed. She followed her heart and got her healing.

What are you passing through that is making you speak negative and defeated words to yourself? Choose a positive word and guide your mouth with the word of God and, your life will never remain the same.

Please feel free to share this post with your friends and loved ones.

Remember, I’m your sister in Christ. 

Love you. 

Remain blessed.



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