An Address Letter To Fear

An Adressed Letter To Fear

Dear fear, I am only referring to you as dear because of the long-time relationship I had with you, not because you are really dear to me in any way. In fact, you have tormented and influenced me with your lies for a very long time. You told me lies, that any good thing can never come out of my life, and thereby preventing me from doing the things God has ordained me to do. You are indeed a miserable companion to ever be involved with.

I am writing you this letter, to let you know, that from this very moments, I am no longer enslaved to you and your lies, and your presence in my life is thereby terminated in thy name of Jesus who came to die for my sins, and He rose the third day and give me light and my life is a living testimony.

Although I may feel your presence, I will never ever bow down to your demand again, because I have found a friend in Jesus and he has promised me never to forsake or leave me but to be with me always till the end.

So, I am far too busy now fellowshipping with my Jesus, my best friend and in Him, I can be naked and not ashamed, so this is a  warning to you that your grip over my life and my destiny is thereby terminated.

I have decided to expose you to the whole world so that they will know that you are a big deceiver, so from now on, you are defeated with the precious blood of Jesus. In Isaiah 43:1 ‘’but now, this is what the Lord says… fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.’’

So fear did you hear that? That is the promise of God for me.

Should you try to visit me ever again after this letter, know very well that my Jesus will be the one to destroy forever.

Get your hands of the children of God and there God giving destines.



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