5 Ways To Open Your Heart To Recieve The Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit

1. Humble yourself and pray truthfully

Your heart is open to receive the Hooly Spirit when you humble yourself totally and truthfully to God. When you pray sincerely, and you are true to yourself, the Holy Spirit will come into you. Serve the Lord in truth and spirit, Pray in your understanding and worship in your understanding. Seek the face of the Lord when you are young and healthy and be really tender in your prayers.

2. Do what the Holy Spirit tells you 

The Holy Spirit is a gentle Spirit. When you open your heart in truth and are in alignment with the things or the commandment of God. The Holy Spirit will minister to you. His impression will be felt in your life and spiritual impression will always prompt his presents in your life.

3. Search the scriptures daily

Your heart is open to receive the Holy Spirit when you Study the Bible daily, you will be enlightened by God’s word. When you study the word of God daily your heart will be open, and there will be revelations of God’s plan and purpose for your life. The hidden things will be open to you. You will be communicating with God, and He will be speaking to you through His word. When you are vigilant and carefully record all thoughts and feelings you receive, you will begin to manifest in your gifting.

4. Fasting

Living a life of fasting will help to keep your body and soul light. Fasting at least once a week will be of great help for your heart to be open to receive from the Holy Spirit.

5. Praise and worship

Be full of praise and always worship the Lord. Come into the presence of God with praise and worship. God dwells in the praise and worship of his children. The only thing you can give to God is worship and praise when you do this, your heart will be open to hear and receive from God.



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