4 Ways To Start Building Your Self-Confidence After Disappointment!

To build your confidence and self-esteem, you should be able to have that boldness to be you and do the things you love without waiting for others to applaud you. In summary, confidence and self-esteem are the thoughts and opinions you have for yourself. When you begin to develop doubts about who you are and what you do, it means you have opened the door of an unmotivated spirit and that will eventually leave you with insecurity.

 Lack of self-confidence can be caused by many things, but I will mention a few. Maybe you have been maltreated in your relationship or marriage. It might be that you have been bullied at school or work. Either way, if you must see results and live a happy and fulfilled life, here are some points to help you get your confidence and self-esteem back.

  • Learn To Be Nice To Yourself

Lots of people are too hard on themselves. This might be after a failure in marriage or business. They end up beating themselves up by listening to the negative voice that reminds them of their weakness. 

Note: Try to reflect on three things that make you who you are, and when you do hold onto it and let that be the guide that reminds you of your greatness.

  • No One Is perfect

Knowing that everyone makes mistakes will open your eyes to see your inner potentials. Quit blaming yourself for every mistake. When you fail or fall learn to raise again. People do make mistakes but you should learn not to dwell on them, it is what makes the difference between a successful and unsuccessful person.

  • Be Proud Of You

Trying to compare yourself to others will make you lose your confidence. Your self-esteem will die when you measure your success with others. Know that there will always be a better person than you, but learning to push yourself to that person you want to become, requires your boldness and uniqueness. Do you, stay you and you will be more confident in what you do than trying to be like someone else.

  • Take A Baby Step

Learning to acquire something no matter how small it is will help you stay bold and when you are bold, you are equally building your self-confidence. Starting all over again after a disappointment for example can be very scary. Take baby steps each time. Start that business, start exercising, begin with that diet, and you will gradually begin to gain your self-esteem and confidence back. After all, they say Rome was not built in a day. 

Knowing who you are born to be and staying in your uniqueness is what empowers your self-confidence. -Jane van Zundert

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Remember I’m your sister in Christ. 

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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