Your Enemy Is Not Far From Your Home [Beware of Who You Tell Your Secret]

Never be surprised to find those that want your downfall in your own house or circle. The Bible made us understand that ”a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.” Matthew 10:36.

So before you start accusing the outside world there is a serious need to put your household in check. Check the circle you keep, the people you go to for advice or counseling. Lots of people are stuck in life today and think that their problems are from outsiders.

If you want to know where your problem lies, then you need to take time to know you and study those around you. People that come to you, and want to know every single thing about your life, are found of monitoring your movement, they are not there to support rather bring you down.

You can know them by the way they react to your progress and achievement. Don’t be fooled by their innocent faces. But no matter how long they try to hide and cover-up, if you are very observance you will know and identify them.

In the book of Judges 16:19-21. Samsom was a great prophet from birth, he was to deliver God’s people, but because he refused to study those around him and was full of himself, doing what he felt was good, he ends up marrying the very person that destroys him. He gave out the secret of his strength and was betrayed by his wife.

Some signs will enable you to know these enemies within. Until you can identify y them there might be a problem. My advice is for to you take time to know who you share your secrets with.

Do you feel someone around your circle that is out to destroy you?

Please feel free to share this post with your friends and loved ones.

Remember I am your sister in Christ .

Love you all.

Remain blessed



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