Why You Must Stop Calling Your Prophet/Pastor Papa!!!

Do you know that lots of people have been deeply manipulated in believing more in their prophet than in God? They have been so blindfolded that they don’t have the power of their own anymore. When you enter some congregation, thinking you are there to serve God, you will end up worshipping and adoring a mortal man.

In the book of Matthew 23:-9 No one else should carry the title of ‘Father’; you have only one Father, and he’s in heaven. And don’t let people maneuver you into taking charge of them. There is only one Life-Leader for you and them—Christ

If you refer to your pastor prophet or apostle as your father and give the glory to them, why did Jesus came to die for our sins, and on the cross of Calvary, He said it is finished. Most times, people are ignorant of the fact that they lack knowledge about the word of God, and because of this, they are easily manipulated.

When you refer to your prophet or apostle as papa, your attention is taken away from Jesus, who came to die for you and l. You no longer have attention for the things of God although it will seem you are, the basic truth is your mind and soul now belong to your prophet and they will stop at nothing but to continue to manipulate you.

No one is supposed to carry the title of a father according to Matthew 23:9, but people took it upon themselves now, to bow down and worship their prophet. I happened to be in a place where we were forced to call the prophet papa, and he was just a son to the general overseer [son of the prophet] when you made the mistake of calling him pastor, he gets so angry, that he will even preach, and embarrass you with it, in the presence of the whole congregation.

Where l used to fellowship, my 12 years old child was accused of not calling the prophet papa rather she said pastor Micheal. The wife of the false prophet got so angry that l needed to question my child. Looking back now, l come to realize that all they want is firm to make people see them as superior. But l am here to tell you that, all through the Bible we are referred to only one person as father and that is God which is in heaven.

So stop calling your prophets papa and redirect your attention to the only one and true God, Him alone all glory should be given. Study your Bible and pray for the spirit of discernment and sooner or later the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to see and understands what l speaking about.

My prayer for you today is that God should deliver you from the hands of any false prophet and prophets. In Jesus’s name.

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Remember l am your sister in Christ.

Love you all.

Remain Blessed.



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