Why Married Couples Still Feel Lonely In Marriage!

There’re lots of reasons why people feel lonely in marriage. When we’re young, we hear our parents and elders telling us that to be married means to be complete. Then you have a life partner that will become your companion and help meet. To share in your woes and happiness. But sometimes one can become lonely in all this, and for some, it’s completely true happiness.

Here Are Some Reasons For Loneliness In Marriage!

1. Lack of communication

When there is no communication in a marriage there will be a gap. This is as a result of either one of the spouses is not willing to solve issues or not able to agree.

2. Intimidation

This is when the spouse thinks he is the best and powerful and begins to bully the other person. This might be if one of the spouses is also the breadwinner, this leaves the other spouse under constant fear and can become so scared to ask anything, because they never know what sparks anger in their spouse.

3. Self-denial

Depending completely on your spouse to make you happy will make you forget your self-love. This is what you need to be able to activate or attract fulfillment in life. Yes, we get married to be complete, but when you are in self-denial, this will make you forget how precious you are

4. Allowing parental responsibility to get in your way.

Allowing parental responsibility to get in your way. Meaning you forget your role as a wife and took on only parenting and no longer have time for your spouse. This can send out a wrong signal to the other spouse.

5. Not giving attention.

We all need attention and when one spouse becomes too busy with work or otherwise. It brings loneliness to marriage. But there are also many ways to create a happy marriage. But this will be in the next blog.

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Remain blessed.



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