Ways To Become Who You’re Born To Be!

To become who God ordained you to be, you might have to let go of people’s perceptions of you. How people treat you is what they think of you, but how you react to it or rate yourself will define you.

Sometimes we’re in a hurry to get results and, that we end up clouding our minds and thoughts of what we see other people do. 

 All of us are born with a purpose, and it has to manifest through our uniqueness. The ability to stand your ground and never be manipulated by people will get you where God originally planned to bring you.

Never be carried away by competitions, but choose to be patient because the master Himself is on your case. He is preparing and leading you to your place of destiny. 

Through that hard time of not seeing results, and you are tempted to quit, know that God is working behind the scene to mold you so you will become a master in your field.

Choose to be patient and work diligently on yourself. Let go of self-limiting belief and hold onto Christ, and your life and career will never remain the same. 

Please feel free to share this post with your friends and loved ones. 

Remember, I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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