Turn That Fear To Your Advantage!

Fear is not real but false evidence appearing real. The enemy knows how to scare us away from our life purpose and, he does that by initiating fear into our lives.
If you must overcome the spirit of fear, you must be willing to ignore that negative thought and go after your desire with boldness and confidence.

The book of 2 Timoty 1:7 Says, ” For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and love, and a sound mind”.

When you become aware of the trick and lie of the enemy, it will help you build your confidence by trusting God in whatever you do. God will also help you to become bold and confident to go after your dream.

When I was pregnant with my last child, I was told, that she will become a handicapped child because of complications. I was told to choose between aborting her or have to live with a handicapped child. I was devasted when I heard the news, but I was also confident because I know that God can turn things around.

So I told the doctor that I will live the child and I was ready to take the consequences.
God is a faithful God and He turned the plans of the devil around for my good. As I speak now my baby girl is almost eight with no health issues, She is very brilliant and full of life.

The book of Romans 5 made me understand that when tribulations occur in our lives, it walks patience and patience works out experience and when we become experienced with what we are passing through there will be hope. Having hope in God is what the devil finds hard to accept because he knows when there is hope, we are no longer ashamed of anything.
Do this, when things go wrong in your life. Hold fast in the form of sound words.
When you believe that God is on your side, nothing will be difficult for you.

Please feel free to share this post with your friends and loved ones.

Remember I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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