Time To Renew Your Mind!

The mind is powerful and, that is why you have to be careful what you allow into it. Whatever you think or feel can affect your behavior. So observing your thoughts, belief and perceptions will help correct anything that does not align with the purpose of God for your life.

How Do you Renew Your Mind?

Love yourself and appreciate the beautiful work of Christ. Loving yourself is not what you do for others or expect from others. It’s a gift you give to yourself.

Don’t be in a hurry, to be like someone else because everything you need to succeed is already in you. Renew your mind with the word of God daily, do away with negative thinking, and circle. Learn to appreciate more, be content but gradually work towards your life purpose, and above all, be grateful and forgive anyone that hurts you so you can begin to enjoy the benefits of why you are here on earth.

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Remember I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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