The Meaning of Shame and It’s Dangers  

Whether we accept it or not, shame has its way of disorganizing one’s life. It plays a powerful role in our lives that affects our thoughts and starts dictating for us. As powerful as the stigma of shame, it doesn’t have to take over your life or have to become a repeated story. Take care of it by ruling it out of your life with the word of God. 

God has a better way of getting you out of that fear, humiliation, and resentment that comes with shame. He is God who will never judge or condemn you. We’re going to take a look at how to overcome shame so you can begin to enjoy a fulfilled life. But first, there is a need to understand the word shame.

We all might have our definition of the word shame, but in the end, it all might come out as negative activities or life events that limit how we feel about ourselves. Shame is a harmful and destructive negative energy that needs to be eliminated from our lives.

Shame is a setback force that tries to block us from moving forward in life. A shameful person will always try to retell their story. This continues to weigh them down. It has the power, to constantly remind them of their failures and past mistakes. Shame doesn’t lead you anywhere, and if it’s not taken care of, it keeps you isolated and keeps you hiding for the rest of your life. Shame is a destiny hijacker. 

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Stay tuned for part two. ‘What does The Bible Say About Shame?’

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Remember, I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.


1 Comment

  1. Monca

    Thank you for sharing ma


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