The Meaning Of Life!

Do You want to know the meaning of life? Then continue reading this post. The first thing to know about life is, it’s too precious to waste. When circumstances arise, learn to shake them off. Empty all negative distractions and train yourself to move on after a disappointment.

Life is full of situations. It’s how you react to it that makes it either serious or easy. We all experience setbacks in life that might set us to complain and lose focus and can cause us to see things differently. But when you know that life doesn’t knock us down, but opens a new door.

The door is where we’re able to learn new things and view situations in different ways.
Sometimes God might be trying to teach us a lesson or simply saving us from disasters.
The meaning of life is to love you and honor Christ, who has paid for all that we may enjoy and live in abundance.

What is your view of life? Are you busy taking in all negative news that you can no longer live happily?

Know that this earth is a transit place where we all meet and depart at different times. Know that whatever you are facing today is not permanent. Hold onto God and allow Christ to direct your steps and, your life will never remain the same.

Please feel free to share this post with your friends and loved ones.

Remember, I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.


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  1. Uwa



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