The Dangers of Jealous People!

Jealous people lack self-esteem and can become so destructive if not detected. Their attitude suffocates every relationship.

A jealous person can become so bitter seeing your progress. It can also lead to anger and hate and sometimes to murder.

King Saul became jealous of little David out of greed, so he tried many times to kill him. When Joseph told his dreams to his brothers, they became angrier and hated him the more, so they plotted to kill him. Because of pride and hate, Herman plotted to kill Mordecai. Cain killed his brother Able and secretly buried him out of envy.

Jesus was crucified out of jealousy and ignorance. He was killed by those He came to save.

In conclusion, a jealous person can go to any length to execute their plans. The best way to stay safe is to move away from them when you detect who they are.
May God guide and keep you away from Jealous people.

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Remember, I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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