The Consequences of Shame

  • It Keeps You Away from God:

Through shame, you separate yourself from God’s plan for your life. It stops your ability to operate in the realm God has placed you. That is what we see in the book of Genesis concerning Adam and Eve. Shame keeps you away from those that can help you break out of its evil grip.

  •  It keeps you Isolated from People:

Shame keeps you isolated from others who might want to help you. It blocks your sense of reasoning and feeds you with lies about yourself.

Shame keeps you hiding and blocks your helper of destiny. It has the power to make you blame and point accusing fingers at everyone.

Shame can make you see yourself in the mirror as a monster. Call on God because He is waiting to take you by the hand and rewrite your story for good.

  • It makes you sick and Depressed:

A lot of people have become too sick and depressed to face the reality of life because of past hurts, shame, and humiliation. Shame has taken over their thoughts and made them judge and condemn themselves. Shame elaborates itself as a huge mountain that cannot be claimed. It makes you sick each time you tell your story.

  • Shame Steals Your Storyline:

We are meant to tell a story as humans because this is what separates us from animals. Your life is a narrative that contains chapters. Satan knows it, that is why he tried to hijack it and make you leave in perpetual shame. 

What are your thoughts on this? 

Please drop your comments! 

Stay tuned for Part 4. ‘How To Overcome Shame’

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Remember, I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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