Some Tips To Help You Get Out Of Shame And Fear!

When you live in fear and shame, your mind will be clouded and, there is no way you will be able to do the things you love. Learn to accept what has happened and move on. Here are some tips to help you get out of fear and shame and, you will never get stuck again in life.

1. Start From The Present

When you become so afraid and ashamed of things that happened to you. The best place to start is to learn to accept the present, be real with yourself and take the time to look into whatever caused that pain, shame, humiliation, and embarrassment that led to fear and shame and if not serving you. LET IT GO!

2. Be Clear-Have a Vision

Fear is a very trickish thing that shade your vision, and when your vision, is shaded you become ashamed of who you are and what you are born to do. So having a clear vision will help to get you out of fear and shame. And get you to focus on your dream and purpose in life. To be able, to have a clear vision, you need to have a quiet time. Meditation helps to come out clear on whatever you want. You can also go for a vision board because it will hold you accountable.

3. Honesty Is Needed

If you are honest with yourself, you need to know what triggers that fear and shame. Write them down and be honest with yourself. If you find yourself struggling, take time to search the scriptures you can also look for an expert to help you out. You don’t need to deal with it alone.

4. Take That Decision

Make that decision to move out of that fear and shame. Ignore your mockers because they will always be around. Throw away the garment of shame and fear and cling to the promises of Christ over your life. It’s time to ask yourself, who do I want in my life, and who is leading you?

Be sure that Christ has promised never to leave you or forsake you. 

So no matter how hard and lonely the road may be. Put your hope and faith in Christ Jesus.

5. Dare To Dream Big

Dreaming big helps you get out of fear and shame. Having clarity in yourself and determination. One step at a time will get you going. When you dare to dream big, and the result starts to manifest, that is when you can be able to teach others. You will be able to inspire others to do the same.

In conclusion, no matter what has caused you fear and shame, it might be that humiliation, embarrassment, rejection when you connect the dots and find the silver lining, you will be surprised that it’s, what has molded you into who you are today.

Here are some Bible verses for you.

I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4

Do not be afraid of them; the Lord your God himself, will fight for you.”Deuteronomy 3:22

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Remember, I’m your sister in Christ.

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Remain blessed.



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