Signs That You Are Gradually Pushing Your Woman Away!

A man who lacks communication skills will cause more harm than good in his marriage or relationship. Women love to talk when they see things are not going well in their marriage or relationship, and some men ignore the fact that they need to change. Sometimes a woman is misunderstood as a nagging woman, and her feelings are ignored. A man who refuses to listen to his wife’s complaints is not ready to make amends.

Such a man finds it easy to communicate well with his friends rather than talk to his wife. He comes home and says nothing. He pretends nothing is wrong with his relationship or marriage. You need to grow and start listening to your woman because when a woman stops talking, it’s a sign that you’re gradually pushing her away.

One lesson every woman should know is no matter how good you are, people will always find fault in you, and there will always be one person who is not happy with you. Don’t do good to impress others instead, do good, to impress yourself, and you will never regret being a good person.

This is for that woman who might come across this article, don’t you go to war with yourself but choose your peace over drama. Make yourself that promise to set healthy boundaries. Ignore people’s perception of you. When a man pushes you away, never allow him to find you in the same place he left you.

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Remember I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you

Remain blessed



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