Oh Lord Arise And Let Our Enemies Be Scattered!

When God takes over your battle, no man can stand Him be careful of whom you trust most people who pretend to be your friend or spiritual parents are sheep in wool cloths.

Recently l personally just discovered how some people who called themselves men of God can be so mean they manipulate people to get what they want all in the name of God. They have become experts in what they do.

Though there are still true men of God who work according to the Holy Spirit, l must confess after my experience with a couple who claim to be my spiritual parents l am convinced that people need to be careful who they tell their secrets.

I joined a ministry and fellowshipped with them for almost five years I did all they asked me to do, I served this self-proclaimed prophet and prophetess who lives in Europe with all my hearts strength and resources rather be grateful for my efforts they betrayed me by taking over my personal properties claiming l gave it to them as a gift.

They have gone to the extent to manipulate my signature, forcefully trying to claim my house and my land to themselves. What surprised me is the wife of this so-called Self-claimed prophets hid her identity [her real name and tribe from the congregation]. Each time we approach her for her name before her birthday, she gets angry.

Something strange happened, During this Convid19, churches were supposed to be closed, rather this particular church ignores the warning of the spiritual heads and kept on operating, in one of the services, there was a manifestation. People were labeled witches and wizards and sent out of the church. Those that weren’t around was deleted from the group App and blocked from their contacts.

One thing is for sure, no matter what the enemy has planned to do to the children of God, He said he will disappoint the hadiwork of the enemies. Stand firm in your faith Call on God because when He arise all our enemies will be destroyed.

Action Point

Make it your daily routine to pray so that God will expose all these false preachers who have to do more harm to innocent people than good.

Please share this post to expose these false preachers.

Remember i’m your sister in Christ.

Love you .

Remain Blessed.



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