Life Is Too Short To Be Wasted!

Just as the hand of time can never be turned, that is how our breath is when it is taken out of one’s life. Lots of people have gone too soon because they refused to take care of themselves and enjoy that which was rightfully given to them by God.

Life is too short to be wasted on negative things and negative people, who don’t appreciate you, it is better to keep such people in the heart, but keep them out of your life.

Sometimes we need to take time to know us and teach us how to overlook things that are of no value when we remind ourselves that life is too precious, we will leave haters and choose our freedom. Take time to pursue the things that matter and are satisfactory to our body and soul. Laugh more, love more, and focus on the cross of Jesus.

When you know that life is too short, you will never want to waste it on negative things. In most of the churches around the world, lots of people have been manipulated to believe that there is someone out there that wants to kill. So they go about wasting their time binding and killing and sowing seeds into the hands of their prophets, who does nothing than to continue put them in bondage with his false doctrine.

Here is a tip for you, when God created the world, he gave us his breath and made us master over all things, which includes fear. So when next time any false prophets, or even a negative friend come around you to manipulate you, thereby directing your energy, time, and money, to the wrong channel, quote this for them.

“Life is too short to be wasted on negative people, belief, doctrine wrong congregation because l bear the mark of Christ, so l am a free being and worthy to enjoy the freedom Christ has given me by paying the price on the cross of Calvery.”

Please help share this post, to save someone out there.

Remember l am your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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