Learn to Fight All Your Battles With Prayers!

Most believers today have anger issues and have bitterness, resentment in them for different reasons. Sometimes, people hold onto hate, unforgiveness, bitterness that they cannot even remember what happened.

People in the world might not have problems with them staying angry for a long time, but as a true believer who read the Bible and understands what the scripture says in the book of Ephesians 4:26 “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.

This shows us that if Christ can die for us and forgive those that crucified Him, we as believers must let go of every hurt so that we will continue to enjoy the freedom in Christ Jesus.

I came to understand that we all are humans and must have hurt other people, so if Christ can forgive us our sins, we should be willing to let go of every hurt people have cost us.
You must not allow people to continue to hurt you, but you can pray for them to come to know Christ when you pray. Return good tidings with the bad they did to you and allow God himself to judge them.

Do you know that when people hurt you, instead of going to fight them or try to revenge yourself, you can quietly go down on your knees talking to God about the issue and God will handle everything for you?

Stay connected to God in prayers and those that perpetually hurt you will have no other choice than to let you be.

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Remember I am your sister in Christ.

Love you.

remain blessed.



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