Keep Your Focus Straight You Can Still Make It!

Are you feeling stuck in a situation where there seems to be no way out? Are you feeling that there is nothing you can do about that situation that is taking away your joy and peace of mind?

Maybe you don’t have the means or connections to push your dreams out and each time you try to push forward you are faced with obstacles. Here is a word for you today, God is always there to help you where men fail to help. You might feel helpless and thereby losing your focus. Hold onto your faith in God because there is no limit to His grace and direction. All you need to do is call upon Him and He will direct your path. “For we walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7).

You are a great piece of God’s work. God created you for signs and wonders, so whatever people say or do to you should never make you lose your focus and direction in life.
We sometimes put a limit on God due to our situations and doubtful mindset, but we also have the power to break that limited mindset and reclaim our focus through the Word of God. God is always there to help us out.

No matter how many times we knock at the door, He is ever ready to open for us. Make use of that benefits and regain your focus in life. Everything you need to succeed is found in God, so take time to always draw from his unlimited resources and your life will never remain the same again.

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Remember I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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