It’s Just for a Season God has a Better Plan for You!

That situation is just for a season. That failure and disappointment are equally for a season. God has a way of taking you out of that dark season and placing your feet on the right path of your destiny. What you need to do is believe and have faith in Him. People might see that struggle of yours as a failure. They might conclude that you have been disappointed by believing that God can help you.

I am here to inspire and motivate you with a story from the Bible. (John 12:3-11) Jesus was invited to a wedding together with his disciples. But the wine ran out. Mary the mother of Jesus went to his son and said. “They have no wine”. Jesus who wanted to be alone and quiet knew fully well that his time is not co. So He answered his mother. What does this have to do with me? But just because his mother understands him and has faith in His command. She told the servants to do whatever He requested of them.

Sometimes what you need when you are faced with failure, disappointment, and emptiness, is to call on God. Pray and ask that he show you what He has in stock for you. Be prepared to follow whatever instruction is given to you. God saves the best for the last.
Then Jesus commanded that the jars be filled up with water. Lo and behold when the master of the feast tested it. He said everyone serves the good wine first, and when people have drunk freely, then the poor wine. But you have kept the good wine until now.”

No matter what you are passing through today. Stay focused. Pray without season and believe in God. Never be discouraged when things don’t work out as planned. God is taking you through a season so He will be able to bring you into his original plan for your life.
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Remember I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you

Remain blessed



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