Ignorance Is The License To Bondage!

Lots of people perish because they lack knowledge. In the world today, it has been recorded that ignorance is the main reason why people fail. Take a very good look at people that succeed they are no different from you, the only thing they did differently is using their imagination to develop what they want.

If you are ready to succeed, there is every need to go for knowledge in whatever area you desire. Never assume and never envy anyone. If you can imagine it, it will make you want to achieve it and that leads you to organize your thoughts.

When Joseph was sold out, it was due to ignorance of his brothers not making use of their imagination because Joseph is blessed and rich, they will also benefit from it, they will never have sold him out.

Learn to go for knowledge in the area you want to succeed, and imagine yourself in the success. When you have an idea of what you want through imagination, your thoughts will be organized, and with determination, and focus you will surely achieve whatever you want.

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Remember l am your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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