How To Walk In The Love Of Christ [ God Is Love] Part 2

How To Walk In The Love Of Christ [God Is Love] (1)

Knowing how to walk in the love of Christ, is very important. Knowing how to love and be loved in return, is the best. Since God is love, we should do all things in love, allowing love to take full control of our body and soul.

You will have to live a life of love, free yourself, from judging others, backbiting, gossip, and condemning others. Living in God’s word daily helps you to fill that space, by so doing the devil will never have a chance to penetrates his evil thoughts and confusion into your life.

When you go off every bitterness, not be judgemental, or even reacting negatively to every comment, in this way you are living in the love of God, Your friends, family, colleagues, neighbors even strangers will see, that, you dwell in his presences.

If you use to be a bitter and angry person, when you begin to spend time with God, people will see in your character, how far you have changed. They will bless the name of God because they can identify with the christlike in you.

Another thing, the love of God does is, It abolished fear from your life. Since fear is terrible and the devil knows about it, so he comes into people’s minds with fear to confuse them with lies about how God doesn’t love them, how they are not good enough, and can never be happy again.

Shake it off, and anytime, the devil comes to your thoughts, let him met you fully charged with the word of God. Let him know that you have been proclaiming His love over your life, that God loves you first and created you in His image and likeness.

No matter, what has happened, let go, there is nothing in this world, that you will take home, on that last day. Apart from the love of God in you and how you loved others.

Don’t say you love God, but you hate others, meaning you are a liar because claiming to love God when you hate your brother or sister, shows that you don’t have the love of God in you. The physical people you see, you don’t love, how will you love the God you can’t see.

Be clear, with one thing, it is a command from God, to love everyone, irrespective of what they have done, that is what God wants. The love of God is shown to us by him sending his only begotten Son to die for us. he who has no sin, become sin so that we maybe set free.

Are you still holding any one bound through your unforgiveness?

Please leave your comment below, how this post has helpt you. Please feel free to share this post with your loved ones, colleagues, families even those people that have hurt you. Show love to them today.

I am your sister in Christ

Love you all.

Remain blessed.



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