How To Succeed As A Woman In Your Marriage

It has always been a fight between the devil and a woman. In the beginning, when God created woman, the devil knew that it was going to be a problem if he allows women to attain the height God has ordained for them. Since God specially made a woman and put in her all the potentials.

In the book of Revelation, Devil knew he has a little time, so he became so furious and waited to devour the unborn child. When he could not succeed he wanted to kill the woman with a flood.

Never allow the devil to trick you. You need to hold on to faith and belief. Though the devil may try to fight back, the only way to scare him is to stand your ground on the word of God.

Here Are Some Steps To Help You Succeed

1. Be Positive

When things get tough in your life, it is not the time to hang around negative people. Decide what you want to achieve and surround yourself with positive people who will help you grow and achieve your goals. The devil is already angry with the woman and her seeds, so the best way to get him out of your life is to stay positive and never allow negative thought comes to your mind. Don’t magnify the problems in your marriage.

2. Stay Determined

Life will only give you what you fight for and not what you want no matter the obstacles in your marriage, learn to stay determined, affirm yourself with positive words, a woman that is determined to make her marriage work will ignore irrelevant issues.

3. Stay Away From Harsh Words

The devil is the accuser of the brethren. He is never happy when there are peace and joy in marriage when there are issues in your marriage, don’t use harsh words. Rather stay quiet till the other party calm down. Go into the conversation and try to listen to each other. Where there is no communication, there is bound to be misunderstandings.

4. Trust

Marriages based on lies will not stand. There should be mutual trust in both parties. Let your husband knows everything about you. It will be embarrassing when your husband or partner gets to hear stuff about you from an outsider. No matter how hard it may be, clear your conscience, tell him things he needs to know about you, by so doing even when the devil uses an outsider to try to break your marriage, your truth and honesty will save it.

5. Build Your Marriage On God

Let God and His word be the center of your marriage. Where there is joint faith, it is very difficult for the devil to come in. Learn to pray and study the word of God together. The family that prays together stays together. When you share the word of God together you will be helping each othe.

Action Point

Pray and learned to make it a point of duty to pray together when you wake up and go to bed encourage each other all the time to stay away from negative people.

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Remember, l am your sister in Christ.

Love you all.

Remain blessed.



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