How to Invest in Yourself!

Learning to invest in yourself is the best thing to do. The more you take care of yourself both physically and spiritually the better for you. Do anything you know is comfortable, for that will help you connect to the maker of heaven and earth. Sometimes you need a quiet moment to be able to hear the whispering of the Holy Spirit.

Try to create a habit, like staying longer in your bed when you wake up, to meditate and concentrate your mind on something positive. Never be too much in a hurry to jump out of your bed; it is of no benefit. Just 10 to 15 minutes of extra time will help you meditate and fix your gaze on your plans for the day. Also, it will give you a bit more time to think, to be grateful and to appreciate the things you have achieved in life.

Tips On How to Meditate in The Morning Before Stepping Out of Bed

1. Pray and commit the day unto God’s hand.

2. Invite the Holy Spirit of the Most-High God to direct you for the day.

3. Ask God for His plan for your life for the day.

4. Recall to mind the things that you are grateful for, that you know would have been impossible to achieve without the help of God.

5. Try to create and visualize yourself in the things you will like to achieve in the coming day or week even years to come. It is not needed to be added to your daily planning, but let it be what you want God to do for you.

6. Stay in a quiet moment, close your eyes, and feel your breath; then stand up and start your day.

Do This During the day

1. Invest in positive books, books that can motivate you.

2. Eat healthily.

3. Take time to exercise.

4. Challenge yourself by taking on a new adventure.

5. Avoid people who put you down or destroy your dream.

6. Build up your confidence

7. Love yourself.

The tips above are some of energy boosters to hold on to. Whatever you say or do to yourself is what you will become.

                                                             “You become what you think about.”

– Napoleon Hills

I always tell people this: If you don’t like what you see concerning yourself, health, appearance, etc., all you need is to invest in that aspect and make an effort to change it. To be able to fulfill your God-given desire and destiny on earth, you must take good care of yourself, and no matter what happens don’t ever beat yourself up. Instead, look for a solution to whatever bothers you.

I was living in regrets. Sometimes I complained about my tummy or my weight. Ever since I made up my mind to work on my health and stop giving excuses about why I can’t work out or eat healthily, I feel a lot better and I am full of energy. Work on yourself, especially your spiritual life.

Your health and appearance are very important. If you are not in good health, how will you be happy to enjoy the fruits of your labour?

If you are willing or want to live in abundance, you need to create one with your determination and hard work.

I have been given dominion by God to put an end to everything that stands in my way, by setting my goals and working hard on achieving them. By determination and persistence, the generosity and support of good people, and by the grace of God you will become what you want.

“One sure way to succeed is to beat those ahead of you by doing more of what they do, challenge it, and dare it by overcoming what they are scared of.”

– Jane van Zundert

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Remember I am your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain bless.



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