How To Grow Your Spiritual Life

Grow Spiritually

Growing your spiritual life needs seriousness. You have to be serious with the things of God. You as a Christian need to drop the lukewarm attitude when it comes to the things of God. You need to be hungry for the things of God and worship Him in truth and in Spirit with all your heart. In Matthew 5:6 ” Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled”

How far are you ready to grow your spiritual life?

When you are ready to face the challenges that come with Christianity, the strife and persecution, God will direct you on how to go about it.

1. Read your Bible daily.

Jesus made us understand that He is the bread of life. When you feed yourself with the Word of God every day you will grow spiritually in your life. Everything will begin to turn around for your good. The book of 2 Timothy 2:15 says ”Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”.

2. Fast regularly

Staying away from food some times and feeding yourself with the spiritual food which is the Word of God will help you grow spiritually. The more you fast and pray the more you are likely to attract the Holy Spirit. In the time of dedicated fasting, God will speak to you concerning matters that bother your mind. God can also give you a message to someone.

3. Pray always

Pray often, it is the only channel to communicate with the maker of heaven and earth. When you take time to pray regularly you will find yourself communicating with God. God alone is the one you can go naked to tell all that bothers your mind. As prayer is fuel to a car so is prayer when you pray often your tank will never be empty you will automatically grow in your spiritual life.

4. Share your journey

Telling other people how you got saved is the best way of evangelism. If you can tell your story to people who are struggling with their faith you might just succeed in saving someone’s life.

5. Be a grateful person

Be grateful for everything, learn to appreciate God for every little thing He has done for you. When you appreciate the little things Bigger doors will be open to you.


My Father my Teacher. Lord as your Word has revealed to me, l pray that you grant me the ability to study your Word daily and please send your Holy Spirit to teach me and to reveal your message to me through your Word. In Jesus’s name. Amen




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