How To Get Yourself Out Of Self Sabotage

Self Sabotage

When you talk about self-sabotage, it has to do with you deliberately destroying your personality, limiting your self-worth. It can also be an obstruction you cause yourself, by what you declare or prophecy to yourself.

In life whatever you say or do to yourself is what you will become. Telling yourself all the time that you are not good enough, or cannot achieve anything is very bad.

We all are unique in our own little ways. What you are good at, might not be for the other person. So the more you get focused on your personal development, and what you are good in, the more you are likely to succeed. Self-sabotage will ruin your life and destiny.

When you demand from the universe, for something that you know is your version and purpose and know fully well that will be of benefit to others, then you begin to take action towards that desire, then the universe will take your action and turned it into your fulfillment.

The only thing you will begin to see from then is happiness, fulfillment, a strong desire to move on in life and a positive spirit. Fear will be far gone from you because you are walking in your purpose and in the alignment of your destiny.

One thing the devil uses against a lot of people, especially women is fear. When the devil finds out that you are not confident to be yourself in the things you do. He will magnify every little mistake as big. Thereby injecting fear and self-limit, self-sabotage that will begin to walk in your subconscious mind, then, as an individual, you will start manifesting it out in real life. Most at times, you might not take notice of it, the more you are scared of what people will say about you and your past mistake, the more you will be stuck.

Never allow your past determine your future.

Here below are some positive affirmations you can start using today, that will help you begin to see and value yourself.

Everyday Affirmation

1. I have dominion over my life and everything around me.

2. I live in an abundant universe.

3. I will only attract positive things into my life.

4. My heart is open to receive my portion of blessing from the Maker of the Universe.

5. I am rich, healthy and fulfilled.

6. Serving others is my goal and I will be rewarded for my good deeds.

7. I claim satisfaction with my financial status.

8. I am rich and have enough for me and my family.

9. I will enjoy every moment of my life.

10. Financial prosperity is my right.

11. I will not struggle for success- all I need to do is tap into the source with my determination.

12. Easily and less struggle success is coming my way.

13. I am liberated.

14. I am ever ready now to accept all the benefits of life.

15. God is my ever-present help in times of trouble.

I urge you today to stick to a positive affirmation and mindset, have a strong desire to succeed, the better and faster you will begin to manifest in your area of calling.

When you are not afraid to play big in your area of calling the bigger the chance your success. Just like Queen Esther in the Bible She never allows anything to stop her from having what she knows has been given her as her birthright. She was determined to go into the presence of the king thereby achiving her aim.

Stand out today in whatever is your desire and goal and begin to work fully in it.

I hope l have succeeded in adding value to your life today. Please go ahead and share this post, add value to someone’s life and your life will never remain the same.

I am your sister in Christ. Love you all.

Remain blessed.



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