How Is Your Relationship With God?

Anything that stresses you instead of encouraging you is out to destroy you. In the medical world, people are been advised to stay away from stress and do away with anything that causes them to be afraid.

It’s not different in Christendom. But the way some people take the things of God has got me thinking if people know the difference between to be religious or to be christlike.

When Christianity is taken to be a philosophy or a religion, it becomes a problem. People who discriminate against other Christians, because they don’t behave like them or dress like them are being religious. Christianity is a personal relationship and a lifestyle that starts from your heart not otherwise.

The book of Romans 12:9-13 made us understand that we can boldly say we are Christians when we inherit the characters of Jesus. He was helping others by showing affection. Preach the true gospel to people, let people know, and believe in God as the Author and the finisher of their faith.

When people present themselves to the world, their characters, and how they handle people will tell if they are been too religious or having the characters of Christ in them. Religious people will want to prove to the world how good they are and discriminate against others because they don’t follow their way of doctrine But a person that has the character of Christ can be identified by her ways and how they deal with people.

When you are in a gathering that rushes you to do things without giving you the chance to thinks about it, they frighten you with all managers of doctrine, even to the extent you will become confused about who and what to do with your life. When you are not able to meet their requirements, they push you aside until you become discouraged and worried if you are in the right place of fellowship.

But when you are in the right gathering, the message preached will reassure you, and lead you to build a personal relationship with God, you are enlightened by reading and studying the Bible, calmness will overshadow you because you are encouraged and comforted by the message you hear from the preacher.

Such messages will make you come in contact with the light of God which will now overshadow the darkness in your life. As a believer, it is dangerous to play religion instead, develop a personal relationship, and you will rest assured that, no matter how many prayers, praise, and worship, you render to God, you will never be out of breath.

When you learn to develop your mindset about the love of God, you will be bold to walk kilometers without losing your strength to share the gospel of Christ. Do learn to wait on God no matter the situation, you will never be lost in that problem.

My conclusion is in whatever situation, choose to be christlike, and do away with being too religious, let the world see Jesus Christ in you, that will be the best evangelism for the body of Christ.

I hope l have succeeded in adding just a little value to your life. Please feel free to share this post with your friends and loved ones.

Remember l am your sister in Christ .

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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