Here Is The Benefit Of a Free Mind!

Sometimes you are too busy to notice that worries and anxiety, guilt have become a way of life for you. It has found it’s root deep into you that you have gotten used to it as a way of life. Maybe you are worried that you can never make it again in life.

Or it might be the loss of a job, failure in marriage, that has led you into a worried and guilty life. We all are bound to make mistakes or even fail at one point in our life. That doesn’t mean you should go about feeling less motivated or even feeling inferior.

The work of the devil is to manipulate our thoughts, making us feel that we are never going to make it in life. It might even be that the manipulation of the devil will make you feel you are not talented. I have come across people who feel they are not attracted enough to find a man or woman to marry.

This has made lots of people clutter their minds with all manners of negative feelings, that lead them to confusion, pain, frustration, and even anger. Here is the good news, you are created for signs and wonders. So, it is time to clear your mind off those negative thoughts and thinking. You must be willing to do it yourself because God has given you the power to do it but it is a choice you must be willing to make.

When you face situations and tribulations, don’t be discouraged. Just remind yourself that you are made for signs and wonders. Say to yourself, I know God has a better plan for me and making ways where there is no way. When you learn to react to circumstances positively, it will restore your peace and retain your energy for good.

That is why the book of Romans 12:2 reminded us of what to do when our mind is clutter with negative thinking. ”Do not copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transformed you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect”.

Learn to re-program your mind and get back into agreement with God. Claim your inheritance because Christ in you is the hope of glory. No matter how worried you are, it will never solve the problem rather leave you stressed out. A discouraged mind cannot get into greatness. So be willing to unclutter your mind to allow God’s promises to take root in your life.

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Remember, I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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