God’s Grace Is Sufficient For All!

God has given us all power to dominate the world and to exploit it. Whatever we decide will eventually be made manifest in our lives. When people do exceptional things don’t envy them or say that they are selected to be favor by God. For God has given to everyone grace to succeed in all we do.

People that succeed have learned one thing, and that is discipline. They have come to understand that the only way to make a difference and be on top of the game is to be self-disciplined and consistent in what they do.

Every one of us can succeed. Those that fail are the ones that frustrate the blessing of God upon their lives, either by the lifestyle they choose or the people they hang around, people who are not ready to work hard.
If you want to be successful, you must also be ready to work hard and be disciplined in whatever you do.

To have the grace of God is God’s investment in you, but to be able to work in that grace, has to do with you investing in your self-discipline. When Paul said in the book of Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Paul wasn’t talking about grace but discipline.

So people who operate with the grace of God upon their lives succeed in whatever they do because they are temperate in all things and are discipline with their calling. Now you can see why you must not envy exceptional people by concluding that they are specially selected by God to be blessed and favor, else you will be evaluating them wrongly.

When you know who you are in Christ and understand your purpose in life, you will learn to equip yourself in that area. When God is sending you on a far journey, you will need to get deeply rooted in His word, your countenance must be full and, you must do everything in your capacity to become that person God has created you to be.

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Remember I am your sister in Christ.

Love you all.

Remain blessed.



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