God Will Meet You At The Point Of Your Need

God Will Met You At The Point Of Your Need

No matter the situation, never take your focus away God. Situations might arise, and it seems you will never come out of that pain and struggle. It might even be that you have been humiliated and disgraced for just no cause. God said hold your peace, He promised to fight all our battles, only if we stick to his rules and regulations.

Abraham was scared that he might not have an heir to his kingdom. But because he understood, time and season. When the angels that were to go and destroy Sodom and Gomorrah was passing by, he invited them in and gave them food and something to drink. The angels in turn bless his household with a child.

Isaac got married to Rebekah, and there was no cry of a baby in the house. Instead of Isaac crying and complaining. He went down on his knees and prayed to God. He never allows his circumstance, determined his fellowship with God. He prayed and Rebekah was blessed with twins.

Elkanah was married to Hannah. Hanhan was barren and was worried about not having a child. She was mocked by her mate. But Elkanah, knew the God he serves, that he will meet him at the point of his need. He understood that all he needs to do is stay calm and keep on believing. God showed up in his case and gave them a son by the name Samuel. He becomes a great prophet of God.

What about Zacharias, he was a great priest of God. The wife was barren and Zacharias prayed to God on behalf of his wife, He believed that God can still visit his case, and no matter how old they were. The angel met him at the place of prayer and prophesy to him that her wife will conceive and gave bath to a great man of God and his name is John the Baptist.

No matter the circumstances, don’t be dismayed. Keep on the good work of faith. Believing that when God shows up in that situation, no devil from the pit of hell will be able to stop God’s plan. Whosever God has blessed no man can cause, and when you are lifted no one can bring you down.

All you need is to be found worthy in the place of service, prayer, praise, and worship. At that point in your need God will meet you, and deliver your miracle and testimony in your hands.

Please feel, free to share this post with your family and loved ones.

I am your sister in Christ.

Love you all.

Remain blessed.



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