God Is In Control!

Sometimes things go out of control when we’re not mindful of what we welcome into our minds. Sometimes it’s because we’re not always in control of what goes into our minds. But when you’re determined by what stays in your mind, then you are in control.

Know that nothing has the right to hold you down without you giving it your permission. So you see, you have the permission to break free from any force of the enemy that tries to distract you from what you are born to be.
We all came into this world with an assignment and, we all have a curriculum to direct us. God gave us a map and a navigator to take us through this life. That is why we need Him in our lives. So when you enrich your body and soul with the word of God, there is absolutely nothing you can not do.

Where you’re today is exactly, where you need to be. When the next step comes, you will be given, the provision to press through. Value, where you are now and hold onto God to continue to direct you, and your life, will never remain the same.

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Remember, I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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