Dark Times Never Last!

Life is full of circumstances that might be beyond our control, but that doesn’t mean you should bury your talent and allow people to pour dirt on it.
Learn to rise after a fall. Learn to plant a new seed and nurture it with self-love, and you will be healthy to ripe the fruits of your labor.

Do you know that planting can be different? When you plant a seed and never take proper care of it, it means you just buried that seed. But when you plant a seed and give it the necessary attention, it will germinate after a while. In some cases, some seeds will never grow. If this is the case, keep on planting until you see the result.
Sometimes trials will come that will want to make you disappear from the face of the earth. Please don’t give up because of not seeing results. My advice is to keep on planting.

Don’t be carried away by what you see in others, maybe how they are succeeding and, you begin to wonder while yours is not working out.
Know that when your time comes, no devil will be able to stop you. That hidden talent you have been trying to plant will be made manifest at God’s own time. So quit complaining because dark times never last. The story of Joseph in the Bible is a good one to illustrate the power of God.

Joseph dreamt so many times and, his dreams were covered so many times with dirt of hatred and betrayal.
He was thrown into the pit just because he told his dreams to his brothers. They saw him as a threat and decided to sell him out.
I love the story of Joseph because he never gave up but kept on dreaming. He knew that God has, a plan for him because it was shown to him in a series of dreams.

When he got to Potiphar’s house, he was being accused of trying to sleep with Potiphar’s wife and was thrown into prison for a long time, but still, he never gave up but kept on pursuing that gift in him.
What you’re passing through today is not the end of your life. Stand firm and keep on pushing until your seed brings forth fruit. But in all this, you need God because He is the only one that can make the impossibility become possible.

Dark times never last and, any pain you are passing through today is not meant to consume you but to prepare you for a brighter future. Give your burdens to Christ, love and worship Him and, your life will never remain the same.

Please feel free to share this post with your friends and loved ones.

Remember, I am your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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