Christ in you is the hope of glory. You are no longer condemned to sin, for Christ has paid the price on the cross of Calvery.
Are you in a congregation where you are told that until you pay a certain amount of money, you will never be free from bondage? Here is the word of God for you, God mercies endureth forever in your life.
When you become born again by receiving Christ into your life, old things passed away, and behold everything thing become new, how, dare any man tell you that until you sacrifice on their altars or until you engage altar versus altar you will never be free.
It is lack of knowledge that bring people into bondage and allows false preachers to take advantage of them and begin to exploit them of their money, possessions, and abuse them both physically, mentally, and emotionally.
To be able to set yourself free from the hands of these false preachers out there, you need to start studying your Bible and allow the scriptures to speak to you, allow Christ to reveal himself to you through the scriptures.
Until you are knowledgeable of the word of God, you might continue to live in ignorance and continue to give your power and freedom out to those abusers who claim to be prophets and preachers of the gospel.
The year is coming to an end. Have you received Christ into your life? Because a man without Christ lives in crisis, a man without faith will continue to leave in fear, and where there is no light, darkness will continue to prevail.
What is your decision today?
Please feel free to share this post with your friends and loved ones.
Remember, I’m your sister in Christ.
Love you
Remain blessed.
Thanks for this great gift of knowledge,may God continue to bless you through Christ Jesus 🙏