To press past negative feelings, one needs to trust God. 

Are you wondering about the intentions of God for your life?

There are many things to worry about and think about in life. But in all life circumstances, we have been told to trust God. Many scriptures advise us to be patient and trust the process.

There is a story about a young man named Joseph in the Bible. He also had things that worried him. He might have worried about what was happening in his life. He wanted to know why his brothers hated him and even sold him out. He might have worried if he could forgive them if he ever sees them again.

Like Joseph, you might also be worried if you can ever overcome the tribulations of life. But in everything we do, when we stay true to God’s word and direction, we will discover that what people intend to harm us, God intends it for our good. 

God’s intention in all your life crisis is to bring you to a position where you can help save others by sharing your story.

Like Joseph, God intended to get him out of his father’s house and place him in a position to save lives. Joseph believed and trusted God, and everything turned out well for him.

Though the journey was rough, Joseph never allowed his focus to be distracted from God’s promise for his life.

What is your story? How are you reacting to it?

Joseph’s story was to help save his family.

God’s plan for Joseph was all orchestrated to bring him to His perfect plan for his life. God has the same plan for you.

Wherever you are in life, always reflect and ask yourself, is it where God wants me to be?

Life is a journey that requires constant movement. When you force yourself to become rigid while God wants you to keep moving, you might become stuck in an unrealistic life circle.

You may not understand where that betrayal, heartbreak, or cheating partner comes from, but when you seek God’s face during that crisis and ask for his guidance and wisdom, he will provide the answers you are searching for.

God is taking you through that journey so you can testify and save as many souls with your life story.

God might have brought you through the hard times of your life, but it was to help inspire others. 

Never give up because, as for you, what people intended for evil against you, God meant it for your good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive.

They intended to harm you, but God intended it all for good. He brought you to this position so you could save many people. (Genesis 50:20)

Be kind to those that hurt you. In your job, relationship, and your family. Like Joseph, show true love, forgive, and engage others with total kindness. There will always be light at the end of the tunnel. When you carefully observe the things happening in your life, you will see God’s mighty hands revealing how he has helped you through those tough times and has shaped you into the person he ordained you to be.

Study these Bible verses

  • Genesis 50:20
  • Psalm 44:21
  • Psalm 126:5-6

Please share this video with your friends and loved ones; your life will never remain the same.

Remember, I am your sister in Christ.

Love you. 

Remain blessed.




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