Benefits Of Reflection And How To Make It a Habit!

When the year is coming to an end, lots of people get so busy planning for family dinners they want the perfect cloth and hotel for their get-together party.

As for me, I engage myself in lots of reflection, though I reflect daily and throughout the year, but coming to the end of the year, it’s a perfect time for me to look back by reflecting on what I have achieved. Check if I did well, especially in my relationship with Christ. Christmas is all about Jesus and, going into the new year can only be because we are still alive. So the first thing I do is to be grateful for being alive.

Reflecting once a day or even more than once a day will keep you refreshed and open doors for more ideas. I write every day, and all is because I have developed the habit of taking some time to reflect. I will strongly recommend that you take out time to reflect, especially as the year comes to an end.

When you reflect on things you did right, how you succeeded, then you will understand that being alive alone is by the grace of God. So no matter how little your success may be, it allows you to appreciate it and reflect on how to improve. Reflection helps you focus on success instead of failures.

Here Are Some Benefits Of Reflecting.

1. You Gain Ideas

This past year, I have come to realize that because I reflect, I gain ideas like topics for my blog posts. Mostly the lessons I have learned these past years. I tell people the best way to live and be of help to others is to LEARN, DO, and SHARE. That is what I have been doing all thanks to the ability to develop the habit of reflection.

2. Prevent You From Repeated Mistakes

Reflecting on your mistakes helps you avoid them when the next one shows up. It also, helps you learn from them and help you to figure out how to make amends. Not all mistakes are there to destroy you and, without mistakes, we can not be better. Without negative feedback, we can not see our shortcomings.

3. It Helps You To Stay Relaxed

Through reflection, you will feel the relaxation of your body. It will make you feel happy. When you reflect on things you did right and how much success you have achieved, that gives you peace. Where there is peace of mind, more ideas will come out.

4. It Gives You Motivation To Help Others

Do you know that when you reflect on what you have learned, there are enlightenments that come with it? I get most of my ideas from what I have read. I am so eager to share it with others. That is how I get topics for my posts either on my Facebook or on my website. Lots of people are out there that can benefit from you if you take time to reflect and share whatever message you have been given through your reflection.

How To Create The Habit

1. Choose the same Time

Make it a habit to reflect on a particular time and repeat it. Never lay expectations on it just have that quiet moment to reflect. It can be before stepping out of bed or during driving or even taking a walk. Choose the best time that suits you and keep to the same routine.

2. Share

I do lots of reflection and share it with my followers. This is not to show off rather help other people who might be struggling or anyone who might benefit from my post. The more you do this, the more you are accountable to do more that will enable you to create that habit.

3.Think about you, work, relationship, your life

Looking back on where you are coming from, where you are today, and where you want to be is a great way to improve yourself and your life. So by developing the habit of reflection on your life will help you improve it.

Remember, I am your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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