Allow God to Take that Burden from You

Allow God to Take that Burden from You
Turn your burdens over to the LORD, and he will take care of you. He will never let the righteous person stumble. (Psalm 55:22).

What you can’t change needs to go. Allow God to take care of that situation. Thinking will not help, and isolating yourself from the world will also not help. When the woman with the issue of blood finally summoned the courage to seek the face of God, she was made whole. The lame man at the pool of Bethesda hoped for 38 years for ordinary men to push him into the pool, not knowing what he needed was for his faith to be activated.

When you learn to surround yourself with Christ, He will not only take over your burden but restore all the years the caterpillars and palmer worms have eaten. God needs your faith activated during that hard times.

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Love you.

Remain blessed



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