Tools to Help Defeat the Evil Plans of the Enemies

There will always be people who don’t like us. People that want to see us fail. Your downfall is their upliftment and joy. Those who allow themselves to be manipulated by the adversary. John 10:10 says that the thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. But Jesus promised us that if we call on Him, He will set us free from the grip of the enemy and give us life to the fullness.

The powerful tools to silence the wicked plans of the adversary are prayer, praise, and worship. This is the reason why the enemy performs his task by lying to you that you will never come out of that sickness or that financial crisis. But in every situation of life, if you learn to pray praise, and worship God, you will be succeeding in breaking the backbone of Satan.

Do you remember Paul and Silas in Acts 16:25-34? They were both thrown into prison and bound with chains. At midnight they began to pray and praise God. They never allow their state of mind to take away their faith. During their praise and worship session. A mighty earthquake shook the foundation of the prison, and their chains were broken. They were set free. The gatekeeper, who has never seen a thing like that, wanted to kill himself. But he was stopped by Paul, and he gave his life to Christ.

Many of us only pray and praise God only in tribulations. Learn to pray, praise, and worship God in every situation. He is waiting to take you by the hand. Allow Him to be your guide. Have faith in His finished work through Christ, and you will be broken, out of the prison of the enemy.

The Israelites were asked to praise and worship God while they went around the walls of Jericho. They shouted, and the walls of Jericho came trembling down. Joshua 6:1-20.
When we pray, praise, and worship God. There is deliverance, transformation, and liberty in our lives. Where the Spirit of God is, there is liberty 2 Corinthians 3:17
Develop an attitude of prayer, praise, and worship, and your enemies will come trembling down before you.

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Remain blessed.



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