Why God Allows You To Fall In Love With Someone Who Doesn’t Love You Back!

  1. Why does God allow you to fall in love with someone who doesn’t love you back? Here are some reasons .God allows you to fall in love with someone that doesn’t love you back, to teach you how to make choices. In relationships, God wants us to choose wisely, and to be able to acquire these emotional feelings, desperation, or material things should be out of it. God wants the best for us. He also wants us to see His blessings in every situation and be able to hear Him when He speaks to us concerning the right person. Sometimes we find ourselves desperately in love with someone God has not ordained for us. So we tell ourselves I have fallen in love with that person. We thereby block our ears from hearing what the Lord has to say. So when things begin to fall apart, we fall out of love blaming ourselves. So for God to be able to teach you a lesson, He allows you to go in and experience things that will help you make a better choice in the next relationship.

2. God allows you to fall in love with someone that doesn’t love you back, so He will be able to mature your heart. When all you see is love and your desire, you will not be able to see the disadvantages and advantages of that relationship. So when a breakup occurs, you get discouraged and, your heart is broken. Sometimes God teaches you by allowing you to enter into a relationship to get your attention. Humans can become so naive when it comes to love and no longer hear the voice of God when he speaks. For God to be able to mature your heart, He needs to get your attention first. When your heart gets mature, you will persevere and be patient to wait for the right person God ordained for you.

3. God allows you to fall in love with someone that doesn’t love you back, to teach you that there is no perfection in love but a matured attitude and understanding mind. God alone is perfect, so when He speaks and shows you who He wants for you. Listen and act according to His plan for you. Don’t be in a rush to choose for yourself.

4. God allows you to fall in love with someone that doesn’t love you back, to teach you the meaning of true love and how it feels. It is painful to be with someone who never loves or appreciates you. When you finally come across the one chosen for you by God, you will know from your experience.

So be patient in suffering, be calm and allow God to speak to you. Never be in a hurry to fall in love.
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Remember, I’m your sister in Christ.
Love you.
Remain blessed.



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