Prophets and prophetess have left lots of their followers in a total mess, both physically, spiritually, and financially. Most of these false preachers who claimed to be called by God prophesy to people lies and deceit thereby leaving their victims frustrated and scared.
From my personal experience, the words and prophecy that come from these false preachers are lies that they have twisted to suit them.
They make people believe that they have all it takes to intercede for their followers.
Ezekiel 13:6-7
Your prophets say they have seen visions. They did their magic to see what will happen next. But everything they said would happen is a lie. They claim to speak for the Lord, but the Lord did not send them. And they still think that what they said is what will happen.
If you prophets saw visions, they were not true. And all you got from your magic was lies! So how can you say that the Lord told you those things?
The scriptures have warned us against these false prophets because they use divination to deceive the people. They communicate with demons even with evil spirits where most of their powers come from, it might sound funny, but it is why, when they prophesy they do not come to pass.
Due to manipulating messages and brainwashing, their followers begin to see their prophets in their dreams, and they are so happy not knowing that they are being monitored and initiated into the kingdom of darkness.
Yes, people are called to preach the message of salvation, but along the line because of greed and selfish interest, they slip into the kingdom of darkness and permit the devil to use them.
Due to a lack of knowledge of the scripture, any preacher that does not understand the meaning of salvation will surely fail. It is the reason why Jesus came, not to keep us in bondage, but He came to set us free from the law of Moses by the death on the cross. So until these false prophets understand this, there will always be false preachers among us.
But we have to be careful and vigilant, study the word of God, know why Jesus die for you, and claim the liberty that he has given to you by holding onto the scriptures.
“Among my people are the wicked who lie in wait like men who snare birds and like those who set traps to catch people like cages full of birds,
their houses are full of deceit; they have become rich and powerful and have grown fat and sleek. Their evil deeds have no limit; they do not seek justice. They do not promote the cause of the fatherless; they do not defend the just cause of the poor. Jerimiah 5:26-28
In the above verses, Jeremiah made it clear how these false preachers operate. These false prophets achieve their mission by manipulating their followers that they do not have to help the orphans, money, and the gift should be brought, to them and they will be the very ones to dispatch them to the poor and the needy.
They go further to support it that if you give to the poor, you will always remain poor. So when you give to them, you will begin to experience prosperity. Their victims end up giving money and material things to these false prophets and prophetess who become wealthy while their followers become poorer.
Come to think of it, since you have joined one of these false ministries, have you taken the time to evaluate your life? Are you growing spiritually or, have you become so scared of everything around you? Or have things become worse both physically or spiritually even financially?
It is important to have quiet moments to reflect, to check if things are going well in your life, take time to see if you have been left in a state of confusion by these false preachers.
Try to check when in such a ministry how they prophesy. For example, when the false preachers say. I see a vision. I see where God is about to lift you or blessings are coming your way. In this way, they have just injected their lies into you and will cost money or material things.
I am bold to tell you that these are all lies from the pit of hell. These false prophets and prophetesses have nothing to offer than to steal from you. Nothing they do is free. You will have to pay a seed to be able to attract those blessings.
In scripture, Jesus never collected any money from his followers but bless and save them and, he always told them that it was their faith that made them whole.
When these false prophets say they see a vision, it is never supported with scriptures but from their deceitful hearts.
There are lots of cases where false prophets tell their followers to close down their accounts and bring the money to the altar and that they will have more in return. From this indication, you can tell that these are not true prophets but are scammers who have left the streets to fist on their followers.
Some prophetess will say to their members to give their houses or use their cars, gold, and other valuable materials as seeds so that whatever oppression they are passing through will be solved.
I witnessed the lies of these false prophets and prophetess who lied to people that their baptismal clothes came from the headquarter where the general overseer has prayed on them and, it was, sold to them at a high price. After the baptism, the same set of people were accused of witchcraft and driven out of the church.
If you resonate with the above post, the first thing to do is denounce these false prophets and prophetess. Renounce everything about them and ask God for forgiveness and mercy. Equip yourself with the armor of God. Ephesians 6:11-13. Study the word and be vigilant in praying and fasting.
Please help to share this post together let’s save souls that are still in bondage in the hands of these false preachers.
Remember I am your sister in Christ.
Love you.
Remain blessed.