How To Pray For God’s Guidance


In life, we as humans go through a crisis and even non-believers, but all of us in our secret moment find ourselves praying to God for directions. Being a Christian is not a bed of roses or a piece of chocolate cake. It can be a tough decision because the moment you surrounder, things can become difficult, there can be a lot of temptations that will arise trying to disorganize you and take you out of God’s plan and purpose for your life.

Ask God for wisdom. Ask Him to be your living water, where you will drink from and never thirst again. Choose also to believe in God because without having faith in Him and trusting Him to lead the way, you will never be in the right frame of mind when you pray. Write down your prayer points and ask Him to direct you. Praise and worship Him, it enables you to flow in Spirit and God said in his Word, that he dwells in the praise and worship of his people.

The more you stay connected with the things of God the more you will be guided on how to pray. Study the word of God often, go deeper in your studies and the Holy Spirit will be in you, allow Him to direct you, knowing that as human we are exposed to doubt and fear.

In the book of Jerimiah 10:23 says ” Lord, I know that people’s lives are not their own; it is not for them to direct their steps” As Christians, you should know that sometimes, you can find yourself not been honest by not living in right standing with God. But when faith is involved and you allow the Holy Spirit to directs you, you will find yourself having the direction and how to pray. Ask God for whatever you want in life and He will supply all your needs.

The book of Psalm 119:133 says ”Direct my steps by your word and let no iniquity have dominion over me. Another way to be guided on how to pray is allowing the Holy Spirit to take total dominion over you. God knows that as a human you are bound to go astray and iniquity will take your soul far from God. But when you learn to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit He speaks to you and will lead you away from part of the destruction.


My father, my director order my steps as l begin this new journey in my life. Please l ask that you direct me on how to pray and let your Holy Spirit come and indwell me. in Jesus’s name. Amen



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