8 Signs You’ve Found Your Mr. Right Part Two

In part one of this topic, I said it’s joyous when a woman finds that perfect lifetime partner, a mate, a friend, a man who genuinely compliments and shares his world with her. 

Some people say there is nothing like a perfect mate, but my answer is, that there is a Mr. Right out there for every woman. 

Do you want to know if a man is a rightful partner and a keeper? Then make sure to read the complete blog!

  • He is funny and makes you laugh.

When you meet Mr. Right, you feel relaxed because he can make you laugh until your ribs hurt.

 He has this funny way of bringing a smile to your face because of his jokes. For example, he sings even when he knows he has no voice to sing. 

  • He is open to you.

Mr. Right is open to you and will never want to keep a secret from you. He likes to involve you in every aspect of his life and he is always ready to share sensitive topics with you. The reason for this is because he is honest and trusts you. Mr. Right knows the benefits of finding the rightful partner and he is willing to share his life with her. Mr. Right will love and cherish you so that he will never want to cheat, lie or betray you in any way.

  • You both are on the same page.

Your goals and values match his. He wants almost everything you want. You both might disagree in some areas but remain on the same page, and still find a way to come to terms with what you want to achieve. For example, a place to live, type of house, car, and even how many children you want.

  • He never uses hash words on you.

Mr. Right will always fight fair. He will never call you names. Your arguments never result in violence or any form of abuse. You are free and open in telling him how you feel without any fear. He corrects you with love and finds a way to make you feel loved even when you both have arguments.

  • He converts you 

He is ever ready to appreciate you and convert you to a better version of you. He will open your eyes to things you don’t see about who you are. He comes into your life to re-introduce you to yourself. He brings positivity into your life and makes you understand how valuable you are.

  • Your family is his

He loves your family and wants to stay in contact with them. He believes in the power of a family, so he will never isolate you from it. He gets easily alone with your family and respects them. You need to reciprocate too.

  • Your family and close friends like him

Mr. Right is loved by your parents and close friends. They see the honesty in him and want him to be with you. Never underestimate the eyes of the elders. they see far beyond what you can’t see. And your close friends equally see deeper. If there is any means that your parents never liked him tread carefully.

  • You feel that deep connection with him.

When you finally come across Mr. Right, you feel that deep connection with him. You will want to marry him over and over again. You feel proud to be with him and you know that is the man you want to spend the rest of your life with. Despite the ups and downs, you still feel that deep love for him. 

Please feel free to share this post with your friends and loved ones.

Remember I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

 Remain blessed



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