5 Best Important Rules for Life

If you must live life to the fullest, there is a need to know the basic rules of life. As a young child, I never knew what the future held for me. Losing my father at a very tender age, life becomes so unbearable for my mother. We were practically left with nothing as my father was the breadwinner of the family.

So after secondary school, I took a job at a local music studio as a receptionist. It was quite interesting, but I knew I wanted more. So I applied to a teacher training college and got admitted. It was tough, so I needed to start a small-scale side business to help myself through school. 

Now as an adult, I come to realize that there are rules for life. Below I will be sharing the best important rules for life that made whom I’m today.

  • Make peace with your past

When I lost my father, I was devastated and I lavished in that feeling for so long that, I could barely function. I began to look for love. Someone who could love and care for me just like my father. I ended up being misused. Lots of people took advantage of me. It was like I kept my pain in a closet, so each time I get hurt, it re-opens and I needed to start the search all over again. When I became mature, I realized that life is like a tv series which have different moments. The only thing that can help is to live in the very moment, believing that someone out there got our back. That person is the God of the universe.

  • Choose quality friends

Only befriend quality people, who want the best for you. Make out time to know people, those that support what you stand for. The best important rule for life is hanging around like-minded people, whom you know have a clear vision of what they want in life.

  • Don’t compare yourself to others

Never judge a book by its cover. Lots of people you see out there are not true. So it will be a total waste of time trying to compare yourself to people whom you barely know their real story. Make out time to know you and know what your purpose is. Build it up and create your very own brand. Learn from people but remain in your uniqueness because that is what success is all about. Ability to do and enjoy what you do.

  • Practice self-love

Treat yourself like someone you’re responsible for helping. Help yourself to grow in love. You should be able to look at yourself in the mirror and love what you see. Know that you’re in charge of your happiness. Practice meditation. Know that you already have everything you need, so feel the energy and live the rest for the creator of the universe.

  • It’s alright not to know it all

Too much thinking will lead you nowhere, but stress and frustration. What others think of you should not be your business. Focus on your goal and leave what you can’t change. Accept it and learn from it. Make healthy choices and stay on the right path. Be determined and stay persistent in what you do and you will see that all things are possible to those that believe in God.

Please, feel free to share this post with your friends and loved ones.

Remember, I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you. 

Remain blessed.



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